Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Getting Started

The great state of Texas is rich in traditions, one of our great ones is Trap & Skeet shooting. For those who have never shot trap or skeet, or even if you have never even shot a shotgun, it is a very easy and fun sport to be a part of and teaches many different responsibilities. As the motto of the collegiate shooting organization says "Promote, Protect, Preserve." This motto exists in the hope to educate college students all over the country in promoting gun safety, protecting our rights to hunt, and to preserve our natural habitat with responsible hunting and managing practices. No experience is required to be able to shoot. Just find your local gun range and ask if there is a trap and skeet club. The Sam Houston State University Trap & Skeet Team is currently ranked 11th in the country. You can visit their facebook page and get directions and times upon which they shoot. So come on out and join the fun. We look forward to seeing you there!